Friday, July 4, 2014


How on earth are we (the united international sport of all trade fans) supposed to decide on what to watch??

Especially us Canadians.  I guess we go wimbledy since we have 2 canucks in the finals/semis

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Canada Day Festivities Inside the House, Inside My Head

Its 2 o'clock and so far I've decorated for our family party, heated pan au chocolat, baked and iced 24 devils food cupcakes, not showered, catnapped and watched the bday movie:  The Lego Movie.

Time to take tea and hop in the shower or time to blog?  Mmmm...

So my baby is 5 today and will start kindy in 2 months!!  The big baby (literally) will start Grade 4 then.  It's weird to never have a baby again and never change diapers again.  (Now that I actually know what I'm doing!!) Physically, I was great (kinda) at pregnancy.  Mentally and chemically, not so much.  Exhausted with the second but still good, happy, back ailments disappeared again and only gained 25 pounds again.

It's such a weird time in one's life.  Everything changes so quickly and keeps on changing so quickly!!  They're born, they get older.  We get older. 

I wonder if this (pregnancy/delivery) is when everything changes or is it when you tie the knot?  Is it better if you don't tie the knot and live in sin?  The later has always appealed much more to me.  No, I disagree with myself.  It's hard.  First world hard.  To do it all right now.  It's bloody hard no matter who you are.  You just have to forget about it (Donnie Brasco & Johnny Depp).

It must change at the drop of the first kiss.  The first screw?  The first date.  The first 'I love u'.  I don't know anymore but I do want to know if it's a primal male female thing.  Is it that we automatically revert into cooker and handyperson?  hunter-gatherer?  When does this change take place and does it take place for everyone?

I know plenty of gents who cook and are excellent chefs but this seems to make their female signif. others even more challenged to also cook a great meal.  I know a few chicks whose husbands do the majority of the cooking and in most other ways, all else is the new (this century or so) 'normal'.  That is to say, he does the fixing up and she does the cleaning up.

I constantly think about when the shift took place in history.  When did the Amazonian way of female life subside?  Why were women considered the 'weaker' sex and when did this happen?