Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Moon burn

Well, here it is, 5am.  Am I surprised that I am awake a full 2 hours ahead of when I need to be? 

It's a full moon in Scorpio tonight and she has been taunting me for the past few evening/early am's.

I was walking with some friends the other night and we started talking about the moons and how powerful she is.  I suggested that we all get 'moonburnt' during these few days after a friend who is a nurse said that the er is nuts once a month.

Daycares, elementary schools: also nuts.  Teachers, bouncers, among others, will tell you the same.

Then there is the whole chick thing...really, is any further comment required.

Do we and will we ever really comprehend the full meaning and workings of the moon?

She is:

4.5 billion years old

Egg shaped

Orbits around the Earth

1/4 of the Earth's diameter (3476 km)

The Moon has almost no atmosphere, because of its weak gravity. All types of gas will escape from its surface.
Without an atmosphere, there is no wind or water erosion. The Moon's surface is about the same now as it was 3 billion years ago. The astronauts' footprints remain unchanged on the Moon's surface. The footprints should last at least 10 million years.

The moon causes many of the tides in the Earth's oceans. This is because of the gravity force between the Earth and Moon. At full Moon and new Moon, the Sun, Earth and Moon are lined up, producing the higher than normal tides (called spring tides, for the way they spring up). When the Moon is at first or last quarter, smaller neap tides form.

The same side of the Moon always faces the Earth. The Moon's rotation period is synchronous with its revolution period around the Earth.

The Moon has no global magnetic field. You cannot use a compass to find your direction.

An eclipse of the Sun can occur only at New Moon, while an eclipse of the Moon can occur only at Full Moon.


Thanks, moonphases.info for the facts!!  And lastly, the best fact of all:

The moon is not made of cheese!!

Birth and Death...and Birth...

Which comes first?
Or do they constantly alternate?
I am not ready.  For either anymore.
The skeleton scares me but that is what I am.