Tuesday, April 29, 2014

How to be a Good Wife in 2011/12/13/14

It really is hard, isn't it?

We've created this gigantic mess for ourselves, haven't we? By 'mess' I mean that we really r doing it all & too much all. Doing it all, all of the time, non-stop 24/7 can only lead to one thing...crash & burn.

At which point, most of our gallant partners will waltz in & attempt to take over. I still remember when my 9 year old was born and in the hospital neo-natal with me for 9 days, my husband did some laundry-never again! He washed brand new Costco pale yellow flannel sheets with bike chain greased-up rags.

Yeah, that really made my day after being released from the hospital with my first child!

So, I guess I really don't know how to be a 'good' wife in any year.  But I do know how to be a good person.

I am now giving myself time outs-I have always tried to do that. It's sound advice. I am now living in a messier house where I do not clean the fridge every few months.  I am lucky to do the whole fridge at once maybe annually.  Now I clean one row or a bin at a time maybe every other month.  Or take a moment when the milk has leaked to clean that & a little more.

I used to organize my night stand every once in awhile pre-kids.  Now I push the sliding stack of mags under the bed.

The laundry I stay on top of (if you could see my laundry room you would wonder what I mean by that!! stand on top of maybe!), thanks to a new room & machines which handle way more clothes, towels, etc. than our old duo.  The kitchen I am actually better at though large pots & pans tend to sit and wait me out on the counter as always.  But I do try to clean one instead of grabbing a clean one before cooking.

I find myself waking early (its currently 4:28 am).  It seems that this is the only time that I get to spend with myself (besides a shortened lunch hour at work).  This is the time when my body wakes, telling me to get up & just be. So I will listen and respond. 

Probably should go back to sleep now.  And remember to book a spa appointment in the am.

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